Peerless Biotech Pvt Ltd is a company established in 2001 with its headquarter in Chennai, India. The company is in the field of healthcare, with a broad range of products. It has pan India operations with the help of a strong sales & service team and a vast distribution network.
For the first twenty years Peerless focused on in-vitro diagnostic products. The company has a broad range of diagnostic products like Biochemistry Analysers & Kits, Urine Analysers & Strips, Glucose Monitoring Meter & Strips, Blood Collection Tubes etc. Peerless is known among the customers for high quality and competitively priced products.
Peerless is well known in the market for OnCall- Plus, Glucose Monitoring System. OnCall Meter & Strips are popular among the diabetic patients and hospitals all over South India.
Peerless has a vast customer base of pathological laboratories and hospitals, all over the country. These customers are supported by a team of well trained professionals. The sales & service team of Peerless is 125 members strong.
The products are distributed by Peerless through a pan India distribution network of more than 750+ distributors. As the company's policies are distributor friendly, the distributors are very loyal to the company.
In 21-22, the sales turnover of Peerless was Rs. 144 Crs. The company has ambitious plans to have a turnover of Rs. 500 Crs by 2028. Keeping these plans in mind, the company has established two manufacturing facilities in Chennai in the recent past.
PeerBio is the new division, launched in April'22. Peerless entered into the field of home healthcare products recently with a range of quality products. The company has plans to launch additional products month after month, continuously for the next two years.
We at Peerless are on our journey towards excellence. I invite all of you to join us in every possible way and be a part of our success story. In this journey towards excellence, there is a place for everyone in PEERLESS and there is a scope for everyone to contribute.